Published October 29, 2021 by Chloe Madison

Sleep was fleeting last night. I was incredibly restless. I also had a super hard time getting warm. I mean, I was absolutely freezing. It took me hours to warm up and it wasn’t even really cold. I finally had to get up, put on sweat pants and a hoodie snd I finally fell asleep with the hood up covering my whole head. I still woke up 100 times and flopped around in bed ceaselessly. I started the day pissy and spent most of the day annoyed at every little thing… I think because I’m so tired?

One thing I’ve been thinking about is my Chewy Monster. I miss him so, so much. I still can’t look at pictures of him because if I do, tears just stream down my face without warning. I was lonely when he was my only companion. My loneliness has exponentially increased since he died. I know it’s my lot in life and that I need to accept it… I know I need to be content where I am. But dang… this loneliness is pretty extreme.

Anyway, I decided to fill my time as much as possible after work today. I decided to bake Halloween cupcakes for the kids I work with. I hope they like them. I’m exhausted, but that’s good. I’m really hoping I can sleep tonight and I hope my kids see that I care about them through the silly little Halloween cupcakes I made for them. 🙂

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